What better way to spend the endless hours of driving while touring, than writing code? That's what I call optimization.” “Working remotely has not only allowed me to remove the time consuming and stressful process of the commute, but also enabled me to not have to choose between coding and being a musician. For many of our employees, remote working has given them the flexibility to travel the world while working and even, for one of our talented engineers, touring Greece with his band! But for us, remote working has unlocked so many opportunities in our daily lives. When we think of remote working, most of us envision working from a room in our own home. Respecting work schedules - people might be in different time zones Making sure the team always has tasks lined up in a queue Lucidchart to explain ideas and workflows Using other collaborative project management tools e.g. Here are some extra key remote working practices and tools that we’ve found keep us as productive as possible. Link important documents and spreadsheets like roadmaps and requirements to epics so you can find them easilyĬreate personal dashboards to keep track of your velocity for different projects Keep the board up to date - we often do this on a daily standup with Project Managers and Engineers We’ve put together a list of our favourite tools and how we use them to make our work as productive and seamless as possible. Investing in reliable technology including laptops, monitors and noise-cancelling headphones is important, but using programs to aid our day to day work is a vital part of how we work remotely. Having the right tools to successfully collaborate and be productive is a big part of this. Since our start in 2017, we’ve found working collaboratively can happen just as effectively remotely, if not better. Initially, I was planning to get some office space so the UK-based employees could have a space to work, but once we started and did the first team meetup in Marseille, I realised that remote working was a feature, not a bug.” - Remco Van Stiphout, CEO We had been working together very productively so we knew it could be done. “When I set up Overloop, some employees had been in France for some time. How/When did Overloop decide to go remote? Recruiting remotely has allowed us to assemble a diverse team which has brought in new perspectives to Overloop and maybe in the future, can open the company up to new markets and opportunities. When hiring, we look for the best people all over Europe, who will embrace the company’s shared values, goals and practices. Overloop's remote working culture means making sure our team is filled with self-motivated and honest individuals. The concept which was once considered a perk, is now becoming the new norm in a lot of organisations and changing the way they work and thrive. With Overloop’s employees based all over Europe, remote working has been at the core of our brand, since the beginning.