
Xamarin studio alternative
Xamarin studio alternative

xamarin studio alternative

Fody ★2,150 - Extensible tool for weaving.DB4O-GPL ★8 - Object-Oriented Database, Embedded and Remote connections supported.NET NoSQL Document Store in a single data file. SQLite.Net-PCL ★340 - SQLite 3 databases support, PCL, async.Settings ★58 - Cross platform settings plugin for Xamarin and Windows.Realm ★690 - Mobile database that runs directly inside phones, tablets or wearables.Massive ★1,708 - "wrapper" for your DB tables and uses System.Dynamic extensively.Lager ★2 - Cross-platform settings storage that uses Akavache as a storage backend.Couchbase.Lite ★299 - Lightweight embedded NoSQL database.Breeze ★63 - Data management library for developers of rich client applications.Akavache ★1,692 - An Asynchronous Key-Value Store for Native Applications.

xamarin studio alternative

FireSharp ★479 - Firebase REST API wrapper.Bugfender ★10 - Store your application logs on the cloud (iOS & Android).OxyPlot ★1,311 - Cross-platform plotting library for.MPAndroidChart/iOSCharts ★6 - MPAndroidChart/iOSCharts binding support use in Xamarin Forms.MicroCharts ★1052 - Create cross-platform (Xamarin, Windows.LinqToAwait ★99 - A Task-based LINQ designed to work with async/await.AsyncEx ★1,253 - A helper library for async/await.Conditions ★48 - Library that helps developers write pre- and postcondition validations in a fluent manner.Behaviors Toolkit ★34 - A means of adding common and reusable interactivity to your Xamarin applications with minimal code.Polly ★4,666 - Exception handling policies such as Retry, Retry Forever, Wait and Retry or Circuit Breaker.NodaTime ★970 - Alternative date and time API for.Humanizer ★3,426 - Manipulation and displaying of strings, enums, dates, times, timespans, numbers and quantities.Fluent Validation ★3,570 - Fluent interface and lambda expressions for building validation rules.AutoMapper ★5,724 - A convention-based object-object mapper in.A hand-picked bookmark collection of subjectively modern/interesting and ideally open-source libraries/tools for Xamarin Android/iOS/Windows/OSX Contents

Xamarin studio alternative